Suede Nubuck Dye

SKU: TDC16 Categories: , ,

A specially formulated suede and nubuck dye used to change colors from light to dark. Once dry, the dye will not transfer onto other articles. For suede and nubuck. Available in more than ten colors.

  • Easy application, includes paintbrush.
  • Contain 50 ml / 1,7 fl.oz bottle.


Tarrago Suede Nubuck Dye is an alcohol-based dye, specially formulated to change from light to dark colors. Thanks to its quality pigments and solvents content, it is high covering and fast dry.

It provides a solid color, resistant to both wet and dry frictions.
It will not bleed or rub off once dry.
You also can mix dyes together to make a new color.

This dye is meant to be used only when you want to change from light colors to darker ones, never the other way round.
Bare in mind that the initial color of the surface will be mixed with the colour of the dye, so that the final result will vary depending on the base colour.

  • Easy application, includes paintbrush.
  • Suitable for suede, synthetic suede and nubuck.
  • Contain 50 ml / 1,7 fl.oz bottle.


Suede & Nubuck


Gives color

Product data sheet

Color Chart

Safety data sheet

How to use

  1. Brush the surface thoroughly to clean dirt and dust.
  2. Shake the bottle well to mix the content homogeneously.
  3. Apply evenly over the surface with the applicator paintbrush.
  4. Let dry for 12 hours.
  5. Brush with a special suede brush like Tarrago De Luxe for Suede and Nubuck Brush. 


After 30 minutes of applying the first layer, you can apply a second layer if required.

This type of alcohol-based paints are added to the suede or nubuck base color.


Can I mix two colors to get a new shade?

Yes, you can mix two colors of this dye to get a new tone (color). Keep in mind that you should mix it homogeneously to avoid possible instability.

Can I speed up the drying process with a "dryer"?

Yes, you can use the dryer, but at a safe distance.

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