The care of the nubuck shoes has to be constant if you want to show them off. If you haven’t done it and they have lost color or have stains, may be the solution is to dye them. In Tarrago we offer a wide range of dyes that can be adapted to what you need.
Tarrago Nubuck Suede Dye is an alcohol-based dye formulated to change from light to dark colors. Provides a solid color, resistant to dry friction or wet conditions. Once the dye is dry, it does not fade. It is very easy to apply.
Our range of colors, originally formed by 3 basic colors, has been extended to 15. There is no shoe that you’ll not be able to renew! We have burgundy, ocher, red, gray, blue, various browns, beige, green, ivory, orange, violet and leather.

The range of dyes is complemented by a wide range of products created especially for the care of this type of leather. These are cleaners such as the Tarrago Nubuck Suede Dry Cleaner or the Nubuck Cleaner sponge applicator bottle; repairers such as the Nubuck Suede Renovator spray, available in 25 colors, or the Nubuck Suede Color renovator sponge applicator bottle; and accessories such as the Block cleaning rubber or the De Luxe Brush.
Nous sommes une entreprise et nous aimerions avoir votre catalogue de teintures le n° 28 naranja nous intéresse particulièrement .
Merci par avance
Muriel Aragon
Somos una empresa y nos gustaría tener su catálogo de tintes N ° 28 naranja estamos particularmente interesados.
Gracias de antemano
Muriel Aragon
I’m hoping to dye a pair of shoes which have both leather and nubuck parts. Which dye should I use? Thanks.
Hi Sarah,
Thank you for writing to Tarrago.
In this case, if you need to use two different types for dyeing. For the smooth leather part, you can use Tarrago Color Dye and for the nubuck part, you can use Tarrago Sude Nubuck Dye.
Thank you very much.
I have a pair of Navy Suede Shoes and I would like to dye them dark brown. Is that possible and if so, what color dye would work best? Thank you…
Hello and thanks for your interest in our products. Depending on the original color, you could dye them, but take into account that the color of the dye, will add to the original color. It is better to dye from a brighter color to a darker color, and if the shoes are already navy, when you tint them will be a darker brown than the color of the dye in the jar. We always reccomend to do a test first in a non visible area.