The Art of Polishing Shoes

The Art of Polishing Shoes

Polishing shoes is an art, and the time that we dedicate to maintaining them, is a ritual. Cleaning and polishing is not the same. It’s time to wear leather shoes, they protect us from the cold. But keep in mind, that if you rescue your leather shoes from the closet,...
Keep your feet warm

Keep your feet warm

Be careful, the winter is here, with it… is coming frozen feet, and cool feet feels uncomfortable. Don’t think no more and keep ypur feet warm. Today we are going to explain one of the best products to feel the warmth of your home in your own body. Really,...
How to clean Suede

How to clean Suede

We explain how to clean suede and nubuck shoes or garments. In Tarrago Brands we are aware that it is not an easy task to keep certain accessories in perfect condition, so in this blog post, we are going to talk about products to clean shoes and maintain accessories...
Keep calm and your shoes dry

Keep calm and your shoes dry

The rain is the enemy number one of shoes. Today we are going to tell you how to protect your shoes without losing glamour. No matter how creative you are, do not reinvent your looks with plastics bags! In Tarrago we have one of the most famous waterproofers in the...
More than white… Super White

More than white… Super White

White is synonym of pureness and neatness. Nothing impresses more than a flawless white shirt or a new pair of white trainers. All of us know that when garments are not perfectly super white, do not shine as when they are new. It is a pity that most of white trainers...