We can wear perfumed clothes that look fresh and clean, but getting rid of the bad smell in shoes has become a difficult fight to win. No matter what footwear we use, they all absorb the bad smell, so it is very important that we always keep a good shoe cleaning practice.
The bad smell of the shoe is nothing more than the result of the increase of microorganisms and bacterial activity inside the shoes, due to humidity from sweating. But how do we get rid of it? And how can we do it? Very easily. We recommend you not to wear the same shoes every day, change your shoes when you get home, and let them breathe. Furthermore, in Tarrago we have launched the new Tarrago Fresh Deodorant Pum Spray, a deodorant spray with floral essence that provides 48 hours of odour protection!
Thanks to its new dispenser, its application is easier than ever. To apply the new Tarrago Fresh deodorant Pum Spray simply place it inside the shoe and with a brief pressure, let the product act for 15 minutes … and voila! Your shoes will be free from odours from toe to the heel.
But if you want to keep your feet dry for longer, another product that can help you is the Tarrago Deodorant Talcum for feet.
Discover the best choice among products for shoes.