Textil and Fabric Cleaner

SKU: TCA710000075A Categories: , , , ,

Tarrago Textile & Fabric Cleaner is a product specially designed to clean dirt and the most resistant stains from fabric and canvas shoes and garments.
You can use Textile & Fabric Cleaner on any color.

  • Sponge applicator 75ml / 2,54 fl.oz.
  • Colorless.


Textile & Fabric Cleaner is a product specially designed to clean dirt and the most resistant stains in fabric and canvas shoes and garments.

This soapy solution cleans deeply and effectively.
Its special formula enriched with non-ionic surfactants cleans the most resistant stains on fabric and canvas shoes and garments. It does not damage the original texture or altering the colors.
Thanks to its sponge applicator, it allows easy and deep cleaning.

  • Sponge applicator 75ml / 2,54 fl.oz.
  • Colorless.












Product data sheet

Safety data sheet

How to use

  1. Shake the bottle.
  2. Apply the product evenly by gently pressing the sponge on the surface.
  3. Remove the remaining product with a damp cloth.
  4. Let it dry for 30 minutes.
  5. Clean the sponge with water.


This cleaner can produce a lot of foam, so be persistent in removing all dirt with a damp cloth. If the foam persists on the surface you can clean being carefully shoes or garments under the water tap to removing all foam. Keep in mind to let it dry minimum 1 hour.

For best results and increase the shoes and garments life, use Tarrago Protector after Textile & Fabric Cleaner.

Textile & Fabric Cleaner is also suitable for all surfaces. We recommend do a test on a non-visible place before applying the product.


Can I use the solution inside the bottle, without the sponge applicator?

Yes, you can carefully remove the cap with the sponge applicator and use the soap solution with another cleaning brush.

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